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Tony Hassler

Calling Tony Hassler a 'photographer' is an understatement: free spirit in a cosmopolitan soul has been able to combine the taste of discovery with a purely metropolitan style.

The most diverse jobs and the most extreme sports have allowed him to grasp Unusual perspectives and to approach his subjects with a natural empathy, the result of a philosophy lived before even thought out.


Il nostro contributo

Still life

Customer Directions

Perché Rebuilding Sisma Project

Project phases

Le fasi del Progetto

Beyond Appearance

The photos in this section embody the concept of”revelation”, revealing the artist's most intimate essence.

Hassler says: “I want to express the interior without granting intimacy.”

His photography transcends simple documentation or the need to demonstrate, becoming a portal to emotional depths of being.

Photography as a revelation goes beyond visible reality.

Instead of merely capturing what the eye can see, this approach aims to reveal hidden truths, deep emotions and equivalences and invisible connections.

Hassler's message is a Powerful invitation to observe, not just seeing.

It pushes us to perceive the world through the mind's eyeBeyond Appearance

The photos in this section embody the concept of”revelation”, revealing the artist's most intimate essence.

Hassler says: “I want to express the interior without granting intimacy.”

His photography transcends simple documentation or the need to demonstrate, becoming a portal to emotional depths of being.

Photography as a revelation goes beyond visible reality.

Instead of merely capturing what the eye can see, this approach aims to reveal hidden truths, deep emotions and equivalences and invisible connections.

Hassler's message is a Powerful invitation to observe, not just seeing.

It pushes us to perceive the world through the mind's eye, suggesting that what happens in our intellect can materialize through the lens.

In this context, apparent nonsense is charged with profound meanings.

Every shot of Hassler not only reveals others, but primarily exposes himself.

and, suggesting that what happens in our intellect can materialize through the lens.

In this context, the apparent

Silent dialogues with the lens

Tony Hassler's photography transcends mere visual representation, aspiring to reveal hidden truths, deep emotions and invisible connections.

This concept is manifested with particular power in his portraits, where the essence of the subjects is revealed with extraordinary sensitivity.

In Hassler's portraits, theaesthetics merges with narrative.

Each shot becomes a refined story, where musicians, singers and models are narrated through the lens.

Every element present is the result of meticulous research, aimed at Give an authentic voice to the subject.

Hassler's minimalist composition is characterized by static poses enriched by symbolic objects - a chair, a musical instrument, a shoe, a scarf, a shell.

These apparently simple elements create a conceptual dynamism that identifies the subject, revealing their profession or conveying profound messages.

Face To Face

Throughout his artistic career, Tony Hassler has developed a particular predilection for 'Face to Face' portraits, so defined by the intense confrontation that takes place between the photographer and the subject.

These shots represent a meeting without barriers and without filters, in which Hassler metaphorically creates a direct line of communication.

In these moments, metaphors, concepts and poetry give way to an immediate and intrusive relationship.

With his approach, Hassler creates a magnetic space, where the The subject is attracted to the goal as if he were called to merge with it, inviting him to cross the invisible barrier that separates them.

The physical proximity and the mutual awareness of the photographic act become central elements of these photos.

The subject, fully aware of being photographed, opens up to the lens in an act of trust and vulnerability.

Hassler, in turn, immerses himself completely in the experience, perceiving the subject's breathing and capturing every last nuance of expression or movement.

This creates a tacit and intimate agreement.


La Sinergia Hassler - Miramedia al servizio della Brand Identity

La sinergia Hassler-Miramedia offre un approccio innovativo alla brand identity.

Combinando l'arte fotografica di Hassler con l'expertise digitale di Miramedia, si creano soluzioni visive uniche e originali per ogni cliente.

Questa sinergia permette ai brand di comunicare la propria identità in modo esclusivo ed emotivamente coinvolgente, evitando soluzioni standardizzate.

Il risultato è una brand identity che va oltre le soluzioni tradizionali, diventando un'esperienza visiva coinvolgente e distintiva.

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