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Chi Siamo

A winning merger for you who have chosen the challenge of the online market.

In us you will find the deep roots of experience and the innovative branches of youth creativity.

Find out more

Where expertise meets emerging talent

Founded as a communication and web development agency in 2016, Miramedia has at the top a team with more than thirty years of experience. A professional path that has allowed them to embrace the evolution of the web, renewing themselves in step with the rapid transformations of this constantly changing sector. Multidisciplinary skills, reliability, use of powerful and performing technological platforms, creativity and intuition have been the sources that have fueled our success.esperienza più che trentennale.

Un percorso professionale che ci ha consentito di abbracciare l'evoluzione del web, e di rinnovarci al passo con le rapide trasformazioni di questo settore in continuo mutamento.

Le competenze multidisciplinari, affidabilità, utilizzo di piattaforme tecnologiche potenti e performanti, la creatività e l’intuizione sono state le fonti che hanno alimentato il nostro successo.

This solid expertise represents the added value of Miramedia, and guides our team towards cutting-edge web solutions. A wealth of knowledge that merges with the creative freshness of a network of young talents: designers, copywriters, content creators and programmers selected ad hoc for each project.solida expertise rappresenta il valore aggiunto di Miramedia, e guida il nostro team verso soluzioni web all'avanguardia. Un patrimonio di conoscenze che si fonde con la freschezza creativa di un network di giovani talenti: designer, copywriter, content creator e programmatori selezionati ad hoc per ogni progetto.

At Miramedia, past and present, experience and young talent merge at the service of the digital future of companies and organizations that accept the challenge of venturing into the world of the online market.futuro digitale di imprese e organizzazioni che accettano la sfida di avventurarsi nel mondo del mercato online.

We master digital marketing tools and offer innovative and customized solutions at the service of communication strategies aimed at acquiring new customers and positioning brand identity on the market.strategie di comunicazione mirate alla acquisizione di nuovi clienti e al posizionamento sul mercato della brand identity.

It is the unique alchemy between experience and innovation that allows us to offer customers targeted and original digital solutions.esperienza e innovazione che ci consente di offrire ai clienti soluzioni digitali mirate e originali.

Not only web agency

We define ourselves as digital partners because we are more than just a web agency: we are here to fully understand your needs and to offer you a solid and reliable long-term partnership that allows you to increase sales conversions and quickly scale your business.partner digitali perché siamo più di una semplice web agency: siamo qui per capire appieno le tue esigenze e per offrirti una partnership a lungo termine solida e affidabile che ti consenta di aumentare le conversioni di vendita e di scalare rapidamente il tuo business.

Our distinctive identity lies in the fusion between experience and multidisciplinary skills, reliability, the use of powerful and performing technological platforms, creativity and intuition. All this allows us to guide you, with targeted strategic advice, through a unique and highly effective digital journey focused on strengthening the visibility and positioning of your brand in the target market.esperienza e competenze multidisciplinari, affidabilità, utilizzo di piattaforme tecnologiche all'avanguardia, creatività e intuizione.

Tutto ciò ci consente di guidarti, con una mirata consulenza strategica, attraverso un viaggio digitale unico e altamente efficace focalizzato a potenziare la visibilità e il posizionamento del tuo brand nel mercato di riferimento.

Our mission is to make you the protagonist of your digital destiny and to transform your aspirations into tangible growth results.renderti protagonista del tuo destino digitale e di trasformare le tue aspirazioni in risultati tangibili di crescita.

We will design a customized and autonomous digital journey for you if you want it, so that you can maintain control of the brand identity. A digital ecosystem built specifically for your specific needs, where the company can govern first-hand content, touchpoints and automations, interaction with customers, and management of business processes, with ease and security. Backed by a dedicated team that will be by your side every step of the way.

Un ecosistema digitale costruito ad hoc per le tue esigenze specifiche, dove l'azienda possa governare in prima persona contenuti, touchpoint e automazioni,  interazione con i clienti, gestione dei processi aziendali, con facilità e sicurezza. Supportato da un team dedicato che sarà al tuo fianco in ogni fase del processo.

Don't wait any longer! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your online goals.

Miramedia, Webflow Certified Partner

We are certified partners of Webflow, a cutting-edge technological platform that sets new standards for website creation and digital development. This partnership allows us to access cutting-edge tools and resources, designed to provide our customers with highly personalized, performing and innovative web solutions.partner certificati di Webflow, una piattaforma tecnologica all'avanguardia che definisce nuovi standard per la creazione di siti web e lo sviluppo digitale.

Questa partnership ci consente di accedere a strumenti e risorse di punta, progettati per fornire ai nostri clienti soluzioni web altamente personalizzate, performanti e innovative.

With Webflow, our expertise goes beyond simple aesthetics. We create websites that are not only beautiful to look at, but also rich in valuable content, intuitive, functional and easy to manage, ensuring an impeccable user experience on all devices. ricchi di contenuti di valore, intuitivi, funzionali e facili da gestire, garantendo un'esperienza utente impeccabile su tutti i dispositivi.

By choosing us as a digital partner, you can count on a team of passionate and dedicated experts, supported by an industry-leading integrated technological platform. Together, we will create original, high-performance web solutions that are perfectly aligned with your business di esperti appassionati e dedicati, supportati da una piattaforma tecnologica integrata leader di settore.

Insieme, creeremo soluzioni web originali, performanti e perfettamente allineate ai tuoi obiettivi di business.

With Miramedia, the future of your business is just a click awayè solo a un clic da te.

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webflow exemple design
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Why Miramedia?

Leave behind the era of slow, static, vulnerable and low-visibility websites. Don't settle for outdated platforms, with cookie and privacy management systems that don't comply with the GDPR, or with security issues related to outdated plug-ins. We are the bearers of new high-performance technological solutions, offering a cutting-edge web experience that complies with current regulations.

Non accontentarti di piattaforme obsolete, con sistemi di gestione dei cookie e della privacy non conformi al GDPR o con problemi di sicurezza legati a plug-in non aggiornati.

Noi siamo portatori di  soluzioni nuove tecnologiche ad alte prestazioni, offrendo un'esperienza web all'avanguardia e conforme alle normative vigenti.

Here's what we'll do for you:


Customized Solutions:

We know that every business is unique. We work with you to understand your specific needs and create tailor-made solutions that help you achieve your online goals.


Performance Optimization:

Thanks to our experience and attention to detail, we help you maximize your return on online investments, ensuring that every euro spent brings tangible results for your business.


Risk Reduction:

With our methodical and transparent approach, we reduce the risks associated with online activities, providing constant support to ensure your peace of mind and security.


Sustainable Growth:

Our goal is to help you achieve sustainable growth over time, building a solid foundation for your future success in the digital market.ottenere una crescita sostenibile nel tempo, costruendo una base solida per il tuo successo futuro nel mercato digitale.


Measurability of Results:

Every action we take is measurable and transparent, allowing you to evaluate the effectiveness of your online strategies and make changes based on performance metrics.valutare l'efficacia delle tue strategie online e apportare modifiche in base alle metriche di performance.


Competitiveness in the market:

We will improve your positioning in the online market, differentiating you from the competition and offering a unique experience to customers.posizionamento nel mercato online, differenziandoti dalla concorrenza e offrendo un'esperienza unica ai clienti.


Ongoing support:

Our operations do not end with the launch of the website. We offer you continuous support both to solve any technical problems and to provide updates and optimizations over time.supporto continuo sia per risolvere eventuali problemi tecnici che per fornire aggiornamenti e ottimizzazioni nel tempo.


Strategic consultancy:

In addition to providing you with necessary technical services, we guarantee you strategic advice and advice on digital trends, industry best practices and innovative approaches to achieve business objectives.consulenza strategica e consigli su tendenze digitali, best practice di settore e approcci innovativi per raggiungere gli obiettivi aziendali.


Relevant and quality content:

We make sure that your site provides informative, interesting and relevant content for the target audience. This includes text, images, videos, and more.contenuti informativi, interessanti e pertinenti per il pubblico di riferimento. Questo include testi, immagini, video e molto altro.

Clientfirst approach.
The customer first of all.

In today's digital age, Simple online presence is not enough. To achieve success, it is essential to embrace a strategic digital transformation that you take your business to Take the leap in quality.

We understand that your ultimate goal is sustainable growth and success in the long term. And this is precisely the central value that we offer: be your expert partner who guides you through the complex digital landscape, transforming challenges into opportunities for exponential growth.

Our methodology is based on a holistic approach That unites multidisciplinary skills, customized solutions And a constant focus on the customer And on results . Let's start listening Carefully yours business needs and objectives, and then translate them into effective digital strategies.

We will increase the visibility and positioning of your brand, making the most of digital marketing, SEO and social media tools. We will design engaging user experiences and optimized for conversions, turning visitors into valuable customers.

But we won't stop there. We will constantly analyze the data to optimize your strategies, ensuring an ever greater return on investment. And when your business grows, we we will be at your side to scale your digital operations efficiently.

By choosing to work with us, you will not only have a service provider, but a reliable and long-lasting partner who walks by your side on your path to digital success.

Contact us today to begin your transformation in the online world.

pietro masarati profile picture
Pietro Masarati
Founder & Owner
sergio caniatti profile picture
Sergio Caniatti
Partner & Marketing Strategist
dania mannarino profile picture
Dania Mannarino
Content Creator Specialist
alberto cassinari profile picture
Alberto Cassinari
Web Architect
Tony hassler profile picture
Tony Hassler
Alessandro Marchesi
Graphic Designer, Creator